
This section informs you of the simple steps you may take to protect your flock from common chicken predators even before installing a perimeter security system.


But before we go through this list, keep in mind that prevention is considerably simpler than problem-solving. In order to make your job easier, just buy a coop of run from InTheMarket.ie.


Identify the Threat


Knowing what predators you are up against will help you protect your chickens properly before you begin predator-proofing. Knowing how each predator hunts and what it is capable of will help you deal with dangers better. Each predator will require a different approach.


Some hunt at night, others during the day; they both watch the local wildlife to determine which animals might pose a threat. By searching for tracks, you may also determine which predators they are. Discover more about the typical predators right here.


Install Motion Sensitive Lights


You could wish to put in motion-activated lights to keep predators away from the coop at night. The light will startle predators, making them at least hesitant to move forward. Please be aware that this deterrence may not always be effective because predators can become accustomed to the lights and understand that nothing else will happen.


When the lights come on, go outside and shoo them away to make this strategy effective! After some time, they might stop trying since they\’ll start to associate the light with people turning off the lights.


Collect The Eggs

Unbelievably, hens may become their own predators and prey on their own eggs. This can happen for a number of reasons, from a lack of calcium to simple boredom. As a result of inadvertent breakages brought on by overcrowding, they may start eating it and then continue to do so once they realise they can eat the eggs. Although they did not naturally develop this harmful habit, it can be avoided. Just be sure to inspect the nests at least twice daily and gather eggs when you spot them, particularly before dusk.


Secure The Feed


Inadequately stored food might draw tiny predators, especially rats. They can consume chicken eggs, even though they are little and won\’t harm fully fledged hens.


Secure your feed supply in airtight containers, remove the water containers, and clean the coop of any unfinished feed to prevent rodents from congregating there. Even while it may need more labour, it will be worthwhile to keep those bothersome rats out of your coop.





Scarecrows can be used for purposes other than scaring away birds. They appear to be effective at keeping away hawks and other avian predators as well. The underlying idea is still valid: when predators detect humans nearby, they will be less likely to attack.


A fake owl is something else you could utilise. Given that hawks and other raptors scan their surroundings before striking, they are likely to refrain from attacking if they spot another predator nearby, in this case one that is already in the yard. Make sure to move the deterrent around to give it a convincing appearance.



Mesh Trench


To keep burrowing predators out of the coop, a mesh trench is perfect for a more permanent coop. The mesh wall is buried beneath the ground and installed perpendicularly, which is the difference. The mesh should ideally be buried for this procedure around a metre deep.

Naturally, the mesh trench is constructed when the coop is being placed.


Chicken’s Best Friends


Dogs make excellent companions for both humans and other animals, not only humans. Some canine breeds are more suitable than others to protecting animals. These protectors typically exhibit aggression toward other animal predators but are usually kind to the animals they are entrusted to look after. They are constantly on guard because to their enhanced senses, which also help them see danger early. It is recommended to let dogs stay outside at night while using them to guard your flock so they can accomplish their job effectively.




The first thing you need to think about when placing anything is the location. You should place chicken coops in open areas. You may have seen enough nature documentaries to be aware that predators prefer to lurk and approach their prey slowly. Nevertheless, placing the coop in a public area removes the threat of ambush from the hunt. To make it simple to keep an eye on the birds, think about placing the coop nearby your home, where it will be visible from a window.




You should treat any other animals or creatures as potential predators and take steps to prevent them from harming your hens or get rid of them completely. The latter would be preferable in the case of creepy crawly pests like flies and mites. Everyone is aware that flies can spread disease. Maintain a clean and dry environment around your coop to stop them from reproducing there. Fly traps aid in the problem\’s resolution, but without prevention, the issue will continue.


Security Roosters


However helpless they may be in the face of powerful predators, roosters are useful as an alert system. They are on the lookout and prone to defending their flock, occasionally even engaging outsiders or repelling threats to their own life!

However, we must not minimise the significance of the rooster. They not only offer protection, but they also fertilise eggs if you wish to start having chicks.

Final Reflections

Despite the numerous strategies you might employ, the basic three ideas for predator proofing your coop are as follows:


knowing the threat that is present

Having a backup plan in case deterrents don\’t work and avoiding attacks based on your knowledge of the predator (3).

Ultimately, you want to protect your chickens without seriously hurting the predator. They are still alive beings that are only attempting to survive.
















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