
How to Keep Pets Safe in Cold Weather


If you have an elderly or sickly dog, buy a special coat or jumper to keep them warm – same applies for short-haired breeds such as greyhounds, staffordshire terriers or boxers. Stay safe when walking your dog in the dark. Wear reflective clothing and consider a reflective collar or a clip-on light for your dog’s collar.

Keep your dogs away from ponds and lakes that are iced over – thin ice may break under your dog’s weight. If it’s snowing outside, watch out for your dogs’ paws or coat becoming compacted with snow, which is uncomfortable for them.

Be aware that antifreeze and rock salt can be poisonous to pets. Wash their paws thoroughly after walking your dog in areas that may have been gritted with rock salt.


Ensure your feline friend’s bedding is away from cold draughts and stays warm and dry. In the coldest months, it’s important that your cat has access to a warm environment, such as your home or another heated indoor area.

Check under your car for sleeping stray cats. In cold weather, cats may decide to take shelter under your car, including crawling under the bonnet and wheel arches to soak up the warmth from the car engine and tyres. Before setting off in your car, make sure you tap the bonnet of your car and check around the wheels and on top of the tyres before you start the engine and drive.

How to Keep Pets Safe in Cold Weather 2

Rabbits and guinea pigs

Outdoor pets, such as rabbits and guinea pigs, need extra bedding such as dust-free hay in the winter months. Keep their home protected from bad weather by using blankets or covers, to help insulate hutches in the winter months. Remember to make sure they’re still well-ventilated.

Keep your pets dry in rainy weather by making sure the indoor area of their enclosure has a sloped roof to allow water to drain away. Raise it off the ground by at least four inches and place it in a sheltered position, facing away from wind and rain.

As the temperature drops, you could move their enclosure into an outhouse shed or unused garage. If you decide to bring your rabbits or guinea pigs indoors, they’ll need plenty of time and room to exercise in a safe and secure environment.

Birds in aviaries, coops or runs

Protect outdoors pet birds from cold weather by giving them plenty of dry, warm bedding, such as straw, and covering their enclosures to keep the wind and rain out.

Birds will eat more to keep warm in cold conditions, so ensure they always have access to plenty of food and fresh water and make sure their water doesn’t freeze over.

How to keep pets safe in cold weather 3

Fishpond in your garden

If you have a fishpond, check it each day to make sure the surface isn’t entirely frozen over, as poisonous gases can build up under the ice. Don’t break the ice, as this can harm the fish, but carefully place a saucepan of hot water on the surface to gently melt a hole in the ice. Never tip boiling water straight onto the pond either, as this can also harm or kill any fish living there.

Horses, ponies and donkeys

If it’s wet and muddy, regularly check hooves for problems such as abscesses and loose shoes, and legs for any signs of mud fever. Owners should ensure horses have access to a dry resting area, out of the mud. Horses, ponies and donkeys kept outside need access to shelter and fresh water, some may also need a waterproof rug to protect them from cold and wet weather. Provide extra feed and good quality long fibre, as the grass is often sparse. Check water sources daily to make sure they’re not frozen.

When horseriding in the winter, beware of getting your horse sweated up as they can easily catch a chill. Watch out for patches of ice, especially black ice, as your horse may slip on it and even fall, potentially harming both you and itself. Always wear reflective clothing when riding on the roads.

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