
Guide to Staying Motivated when Working Out at Home

There are a myriad of reasons why we decide not to join a gym. Having to get your gear ready, the commute there and back, particularly in bad weather, the smelly gym, the exhibitionists at the gym, the chatty people at the gym, the posers, the fear of COVID, your fave piece of equipment not being available, people not wiping down sweat, the opening hours, the cost of it…we could go on forever.

The flip side of that is then having to motivate yourself. Yes, your treadmill is only two doors down the hall but the TV is right there and the couch is so comfy and the wine is so lovely and your favourite show or match is about to start. Getting your backside off the couch is often the hardest part about it. We all love the buzz of how we feel after exercise when endorphins kick in and we get a great night’s sleep.

Here we take a look at how to keep going, even when you are tires or the kids keep you up or it’s freezing because it’s too expensive to put the heating on.

Wear workout attire (avoid working out in pyjamas or casual attire)

Despite not going to the gym, you still need to keep your workout clothing and sneakers nearby.

You can change and begin your workout once you get home from work or after picking up the kids from school.


Studies have also shown that the clothing you choose might affect how well you workout.

Enclothed cognition is a psychological theory that contends specific attire may induce psychological alterations that may enhance performance. When you next pull out your old sweats and tank top, replace them with some killer training attire.

Decorate Your Room With Photos and Posters of Inspiration

Look for details that will enhance and complement your workout while you are arranging your fitness space.

Posters of bodybuilders or fitness models you admire should be included. You\’d be shocked at how motivating this can be when you\’re on the verge of giving up. Take some sticky notes, write inspirational statements on them, and scatter them throughout the room.

Put the swimsuit or dress you\’re aiming to fit into on display as a major motivator.

The things you select to surround yourself with will serve as inspiration for you whenever you feel like giving up.

Increase the volume

Music is just as crucial to your performance as breaking in a new pair of running shoes. Because it has become so usual to exercise to the perfect music, Apple and Nike have teamed up to help you have a better workout with their own music. Spotify and Apple Music are now hugely popular.


According to recent studies, having your feet and ears in sync increases productivity. The correct music might also persuade the voice in your head that is urging you to give up to keep going for an additional ten minutes.

Watch exercise videos


Play some challenging workout or fitness videos on your computer or television. These might truly help you get in the appropriate frame of mind so you can work out as hard and as motivated as you can.

On your InTheMarket next gen treadmills, you can watch whatever you want on the screens which does make it easier to stay on for longer.


Change Up Your Exercises


It can become monotonous to repeat the same actions. When you vary your training routine, you\’ll be more likely to continue with it. In order to avoid mental boredom and break through strength plateaus, switch up your programme sometimes.

Try mixing things up, like jogging up and down stairs in between Spin Bike sessions, to make cardio less boring and more intriguing. Run around your house and garden in circles on nice days….once the neighbours don’t see you.  Set up stations with kettlebells, weights, jump ropes, and exercise bands.

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